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About US2

We were inspired by platforms providing an online marketplace for florists to sell sell their products to customers. After originally listing our products on wiring services. we came to the conclusion that we wanted to do so much more and be more connected with our customers. Thus, the decision was made to provide our own local flower delivery service and created our very own website. Every seed has great potential. If it falls on good ground, they can spring up and bare fruit a hundredfold. Businesses are like seeds, they need to be sown on good ground to realize their potential. Wowsome Blossome allows you to find the very best products within our collection with the very best of customer service.

MoonHee Cho            


"A man is but the product of his thoughts. What we think, we becomes. With Flowers & Plants, we want to make something different, something outstanding, something that will make you go wow."